Monday, July 9, 2012

Intro letter-January 2011

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the new form of Soul & Spirit, the e-newsletter for the Society for Christian Psychology.  Many of the things that you will see may remind you of the previous form of Soul & Spirit.  In addition to keeping the title, you will also continue to see a commitment to the tenets of Christian psychology, which seeks to understand psychology and soul care from a standpoint of the Christian tradition, while engaging with and learning from modern psychology, all through the lens of Scripture. 

There are assuredly new things as well.  Most obviously, the electronic format makes use of current technologies for distribution that in several ways improve upon the print format.  For example, a benefit of the electronic format is the ability to provide direct hyperlinks to noteworthy resources. 

The other publication of the Society for Christian Psychology, the journal Edification, tends more toward longer academic and theoretical articles.  The content for the e-newsletter, while sharing the Society’s common vision, will typically provide more practical, personal, clinically relevant information.  Though we hope there will be significant overlap between them, one might say that Edification will tend to show the mind of SCP while Soul & Spirit will show the heart. 

Soul & Spirit will offer brief original articles, book reviews, and Internet resources that are clinically useful and shaped by life experience.  The contributors represent varied backrounds including, among others: psychology, counseling, history, and theology.  These transdisciplinary contributors will offer broad perspectives on soul care from a Christian worldview, as SCP consistently seeks to do. 

In this first e-newsletter, Jim Cofield of Crosspoint Ministries discusses several trends in the church that demonstrate the need for Biblically centered helpers.  Jay Kidwell, psychology professor at Cincinnati Christian University, reflects upon an experience from his academic training regarding the scientific method.  He rightly concludes that worldview informs our science.  Werner May of the Institute for Christian Psychology in Germany also writes of his life experiences and how they have progressively shaped his understanding of loving others.  Professor David Jenkins from Liberty University looks to the Trinity as a way of informing submission and authority in marriage relationships.  Author and speaker Matthew Elliott describes his understanding of Ecclesiastes and its application to helping others.  Psychologist and professor Paul Vitz takes on the topic of hatred in the first part of a 2 part series.  Finally, church historian Michael Haykin provides a fascinating look at Dorothy Carey, the wife of famed missionary William Carey in his book review. 

As you can see, a variety of authors cover a breadth of topics under the heading of Christian psychology.  Six times per year, we will seek to present you with high quality articles like these.  I hope you have enjoyed and been edified by this newsletter. I welcome any comments, feedback, or suggestions that you may have for future editions. 

“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”-Phillipians 1:9-11.

Jason Kanz
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Marshfield Clinic

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